Oil Spill Doublespeak

“White House officials stressed again Monday that BP would be held liable for the cost of the cleanup and economic compensation for losses on the Gulf Coast. But Democratic senators said the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, passed in the wake of the Exxon Valdez, caps economic damage liability at $75 million. Democratic Sens. Bill Nelson of Florida and Robert Menendez and Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey introduced legislation to raise that cap to $10 billion.”

Ball, Jeffrey, Stephen Power, and Russell Gold. 2010. “Oil Agency Draws Fire: Republican Seeks Scrutiny of Regulator; BP Tries Well Fix.” Wall Street Journal (4 May): A 1.


1 comment so far

  1. mark hansen on

    they can be forced to pay more, but they must first be proven to have been neglegent or purposely failing to do what the law requires of them.
    which helps explain why BP was so quick to say it wasn’t their fault.
    afterall, this is the usa where no corporation need take responsitbility for anything.

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