Archive for September, 2011|Monthly archive page

The Power of Economics vs. The Economics of Power









I just finished a draft of paper regarding the exclusion of the concept of power in economic theory.

Any comments will be appreciated.


The Free Market: Looting, Shooting, and Polluting

I uploaded a Youtube post.  I used up my time before I was able to pull everything together.  Here is the url:

Interview with Michael Perelman

Interview with Barry Seidman on Equal Time For Freethought, WBAI New York, (3 September 2011).

A Further Sign of Academic Idiocy

I proposed a guest speaker for this semester.  Our chair told me that I may not be able to extend the invitation.  The University is exploring the possibility of charging for the use of rooms.  I am reminded of Charles Davenant, one of the subjects of my new book, who wrote, “Everyone is on the scrape for himself, … each cheating, raking, and plundering what he can, and in a more profligate degree than ever was known.” Davenant 1701, pp. 300-301.  At least the restrooms are still free for the moment.